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What's on: A Curious Incident, SALA art, Bach in Time vinyl


InDaily’s hit list of events and shows, including The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, SALA exhibitions, a Bach in Time vinyl sale, and after-hours fun for the final weekend of Colours of Impressionism

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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

The National Theatre of Great Britain’s adaptation of Mark Haddon’s best-selling book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time opens at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Tuesday. The show tells the story of 15-year-old Christopher John Francis Boone, who discovers a dead dog stabbed with a garden fork. He sets out to solve the mystery of who killed it and ends up on a frightening journey that upturns his world. The Oliver and Tony Award-winning production is said to be full of unforgettable moments (read The Daily Review’s critique here). Shows run until August 4.

SALA Festival

Street art by Beastman, who will battle it out in The Piece Project as part of the SALA Festival.

The South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival officially kicks off on Wednesday, but a number of exhibitions have already opened, with this year’s program featuring around 900 artists taking part in more than 700 shows and events across Adelaide and regional SA. The festival showcases painting, sculpture, video, multi-media, photography and more. Highlights this year include feature artist Clare Belfrage’s glasswork show at JamFactory, which opens today, and Andrew Clarke’s painting exhibition Mephistopheles’ Yellow Vacuum Cleaner – currently showing at Hill Smith Gallery – which references literary and art themes that challenge people’s perceptions. On August 18, the Published Arthouse will host the SALA Piece Project, which will see four Australian street artists battling it out for a chance to be featured on the label of Longview’s Adelaide Hills ‘The Piece’ Shiraz. SALA Festival runs until August 31.

ASO’s Symphony of Angels

Brewster Brothers John and Rick, Nick Norton and Sam Brewster.

The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra will be joined by Brewster Brothers John and Rick, Nick Norton and Sam Brewster, singer Dave Gleeson and presenter Peter Goers for this celebration of the 40th anniversary of The Angels’ multi-platinum album Face to Face tomorrow at the Festival TheatreUnder the musical direction of Rob John, the 35 musicians and choir will perform 30 of the Angels’ greatest works including “Take A Long Line”, “Marseilles”, “After the Rain”, “Be With You” and “Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again”. Tickets available here.

Colours of Impressionism

Winter scenes: Caillebotte’s Vue de Toits and Monet’s La Pie in Colours of Impressionism. Photo: Paul Steed

This weekend will be the last chance to see the Art Gallery of SA’s landmark exhibition Colours of Impressionism: Masterpieces from the Musée d’Orsay, which finishes on Sunday. More than 65 paintings from the Musée d’Orsay in Paris are on display, including significant works by Monet, Cézanne and Renoir. To celebrate the exhibition’s final weekend, the Art Gallery is hosting a late-night event tonight featuring a theatrical tour of the exhibition with guide “Henri Matisse” (there are also “regular” tours with gallery guides), French music and a floristry workshop. Read more about Colours of Impressionism in this InDaily article.

May Gibbs exhibition

An illustration by May Gibbs. Photo: Supplied

Australian children’s author and illustrator May Gibbs’ iconic bush imagery and depictions of popular characters Snugglepot and Cuddlepie will be on display at Carrick Hill in the Close to Nature: May Gibbs and Australian Botanical Art exhibition, starting on Wednesday. The exhibition explores Gibbs’ work as an author, illustrator, artist and environmental campaigner, with a focus on the Australian native flora that inspired her 20th-century children’s books. Gibbs’ work will be presented alongside other botanical artworks from artists spanning from the colonial era to present day. The exhibition celebrates the launch of the May Gibbs Garden, which forms part of the Carrick Hill Children’s Storybook Trail. The exhibition runs until November 25.

Bach in Time vinyl sale

For the first time on Sunday, the State Opera of South Australia is opening the doors to its music collection for a second-hand vinyl sale. Hundreds of records will be available to purchase, including rare and unusual ballet and orchestral masterpieces and records from Bruce Meaney and Crackle & Pop Records. Some of the props and costumes from the State Opera production The French Brace will also be for sale, and there will be free performances from State Opera artists throughout the day. Doors open from 10am to 4pm at the Opera Studio on Marion Road, Netley. Find out more here.

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