Adelaide Festival
Waqt al-tagheer: Time of change exhibition opening
More than 500 people celebrated the opening of ACE Open’s Adelaide Festival exhibition Waqt al-tagheer: Time of change.

Toby Chapman and Abdullah M.I. Syed. Photo: Christopher Arblaste

Neil Armfield, Rachel Healy and Sorayya Martin. Photo: Christopher Arblaste

Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Mark Stewart, Margaret Moore and Alex Seton. Photo: Christopher Arblaste

Min Wong, Anna Horne and Sundari Carmody. Photo: Christopher Arblaste

Eugenia Flynn and Bee Flynn. Photo: Christopher Arblaste

Leesa Watego and Vernon Ah Kee. Photo: Christopher Arblaste

Khaled Sabsabi and Leigh Robb. Photo: Christopher Arblaste