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Adelaide Fringe

Review: Element of Consequence

Adelaide Fringe

The five female acrobats in Element of Consequence show grace, poise and synchronicity that belies their strength and stamina. ★★★

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Element of Consequence isn’t just acrobatics, it’s a well-choreographed mix of contemporary dance and physical strength with a running theme of possession and jealousy.

There’s no dialogue or commentary, although at one point during the opening show on Friday night a dropped catch sparked a few onstage ad-libs, which instantly, and almost tangibly, converted the audience from being merely spectators to feeling included. From that moment, it felt as though we were involved in an impromptu and highly professional performance by a group of friends.

An apple, a glass of water, some rope and an assortment of clothing are the only props used – all to good effect – throughout the 50-minute performance.

There are no weak links among these women, either; each one adopts a character and gets a chance to shine with their particular acrobatic skill, be it hula-hoops, physical strength, aerial straps or acrobatics.

The Empyrean venue at Gluttony is an open-topped marquee, which makes me wonder how they will manage with the currently unpredictable Adelaide weather. However, the opening night of the Fringe provided a dry and autumnal evening for the first performance of this excellent show.

Element of Consequence will appeal to all ages, and the musical variation providing the soundtrack for the show keeps up the pace to maintain audience enthusiasm throughout.

Three stars

Element of Consequence is being presented by TEOC and AfterDark Theatre at the Empyrean, Gluttony, until March 5.

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