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Poems: On the way home & Imagination

Books & Poetry

A beach imagined and Clare Valley at first light are the subjects of this week’s Poet’s Corner contributions from Russ Talbot.

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On the way home, Clare Valley, 6:30am

A gauze stocking
is stretched across the sky
keeping out colour

In my car
I fly through clouds
descended to earth

Trees and other
appear then recede

I view the world
through a grey filter
a smudge on my glasses

Vines cover the hills
like cornrow braids
on a scalp

The sun rips a hole in the sky
and paints
its first shadow.


I used to have imagination
but one day (about July first I think)
it packed its bags and went in search
of a beach to lie on, a sandy retreat
from which to admire the crashing
surf and gentle wash of brine on
saturated shore. Perhaps to find
itself, rediscover its zest, in the intricate,
infinite mysteries and patterns of detritus:
seaweed balls, foam necklaces and jellyfish.

One day it will return to me, refreshed
recharged and reignited, lithe and supple
able to leap tall tropes and twist words
into beautiful, interesting thoughts.

I hope.

Russ Talbot was one of Poet’s Corner’s original contributors in its ‘Independent Weekly’ print days. He discovered the pleasure and therapy of writing, after his life changed due to Acquired Brain Injury as the result of a brain tumour. Russ says he has had two lives: one prior to ABI, and one afterwards. In the first he obtained degrees in computing and management, and in the second a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Communication. He is a member of the Adelaide Poetica poetry group, has published individual poems in Australia and the UK, and last year the chapbook collection ‘Things That Make Your Heart Beat’ through the Ginninderra Press Picaro Poets series. His book of prose ‘Just A Bit Wobbly’, will be published by Ginninderra later this year.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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