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Books & Poetry

Poem: Eulogy

Books & Poetry

In traditional style in this week’s Poet’s Corner, Vivien Wade comments on traditional ways and the death of Common Sense.

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We’re gathered here together
to mourn a lack of defence
for one who lies before us
at the death of Common Sense.

His name may be forgotten
his wisdom was no pretence
but rules and regulations
caused the death of Common Sense.

He taught valuable lessons,
some would say he caused offence
giving elders due respect
which was only common sense.

Parental rights were removed
the rules became strict and tense,
children became ones in charge
which does not make common sense.

The same was applied to teachers,
no discipline could they dispense
pupils now can run amok
through the lack of common sense.

People have been rewarded
for doing things that were dense,
receiving compensation
when not using common sense.

Few attended the funeral
to mourn his lack of defence,
and not hear the eulogy
of the death of Common Sense.

Vivien Wade lives in one of Adelaide’s southern seaside suburbs where she belongs to the Ochre Southern Poets poetry group. Born at Magill and having trained as a milliner before qualifying as a midwife, she married her husband Peter during their ministerial training at Bible College. They have ministered in pastorates, seminars and family camps, and Vivien has published two collections of her poetry, details of which can be found here and here.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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