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Books & Poetry

Poem: Hidden Treasure

Books & Poetry

In this week’s Poet’s Corner contribution, Fiona Langeveld imagines what treasure might lie within an abandoned house.

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Hidden Treasure

A lonely house stands derelict
Down a dusty country lane
Long ago abandoned
Worn down from wind and rain

The sharded paint once pristine
Falls flaky to the floor
Twisted metal, broken glass
On the veranda by the door

If anyone were to step inside
And take a closer look
Underneath a certain loose floorboard
They might just find a book

A book handwritten by a writer
Whose time on earth has passed
The book he left, a masterpiece
From the first page to the last

His stories written, magic
His pen would dance across the page
Though his talent was immeasurable
He never had a stage

This writer was a private man
His work was never shared
He wrote for his own pleasure
About the things of which he cared

His work remains undiscovered
Under the loose floorboard of this home
The house remains abandoned
His name remains unknown.

Fiona Langeveld, Melbourne-born and living there after several years in Paris, is the mother of two young teens and small white fluffy dog, Coco. She enjoys her poetry about people, places, nature and the imagination, and appeared in the Angels Above Us collection published last year and available on Amazon Books as both paperback and Kindle.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.


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