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Mixed Doubles


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Around 50 people settled into their seats in the darkened converted chapel which forms part of the Holden Street Theatre complex. The next 60 minutes was jam-packed with quick-fire sketches and innuendos from the very slick British quartet Mixed Doubles.

Their Fringe Guide write-up boasts “Finalists in the Fosters Best New Sketch Act of 2013 at the Edinburgh Fringe”, and it’s easy to see why. With barely five seconds between skits, this show keeps the performers, and audience, on their toes.

Julian Assange makes several appearances with well-scripted silent punch-lines (although the woman sitting next to me felt it necessary to verbalise them to her partner … grrr)

Quartet members Will Close, Megan Smith, Paul Aitchinson and Rose Robinson are talented, versatile actors and work extremely well together. Aitchinson manages to add in some very impressive incidental magic skills along the way, too.

The audience related well to the many and varied topics, which included relationships, awkward moments, dinner parties, meeting “the parents” and commitments.
One of my personal favourites was an interview with tennis star Andy Murray.

A special mention must go to the production of Mixed Doubles. The lighting and audio cues were spot-on and added to the professionalism of the four actors on stage.

Take your mother along to this show … you’ll both enjoy it!

Mixed Doubles is playing at Holden Street Theatres every night until March 16.

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