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Titty Bar Ha Ha: good clean dirty fun


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Gloria and Hope are doing hard time in Titty Bar Ha Ha. These murderous vixens have done away with Hope’s husband, who also happened to be Gloria’s lover, and the two are now incarcerated in Wiggin’s Women’s Correctional Prison with only you, the audience, to help them execute the most fiendish escape since Shawshank.

With unmistakable influence from Chicago, the Rhino Room stage was transformed with Vaudeville-esque red curtains, about a trillion shots of “moonshine” and the two boozy, floozy ladies themselves.

Titty-Bar-Ha-Ha-verticalWith their hourglass figures adorned in black corsets and red satin leggings, Hope and Gloria are the epitome of 1940s glam meets modern-day sexy comedy. This is what you get in Titty Bar Ha Ha: Hard Times – a mix of dirty cabaret comedy, powerfully sung original comedic numbers, and plenty of audience participation as the two gals plan their great escape.

Throughout the performance, there are songs about being besties who can’t stand each other, the trappings of motherhood (including a particularly resonant chorus directing children to “put on their shoes”), a rap number titled “Talking Like Y Generation”, and a very matter-of-fact noting that everyone likes porn.

There is also a healthy dose of audience participation weaved through the musical numbers, whereby “fellow inmates” play “blow and suck” with Uno cards and engage in a game involving tissue boxes of ping-pong balls being strapped to the body.

This is a funny and fun night out at the Fringe. Hope and Gloria both have incredible voices, so the singing is lovely to listen to as well as being humorous. There is a considerable spattering of blue language and adult themes, so while the show isn’t quite “R” rated, it’s certainly not one for the kiddies.

At $28 for an adult ticket, it’s well worth the price for a night of good, clean, dirty entertainment.

Titty Bar Ha Ha: Hard Times is playing at the Rhino Room at 9.30pm every night until March 14.

Click here for more Adelaide Fringe reviews. 



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