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Bat Out Of Hell composer and hitmaker Jim Steinman dies


Jim Steinman, the Grammy-winning composer who wrote Meat Loaf’s best-selling Bat Out Of Hell album as well as Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart and hits for Celine Dion and Barry Manilow has died at the age of 73.

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Steinman  died on Monday from kidney failure at his Connecticut home after being ill for some time, his brother Bill Steinman said.

Jim Steinman was born on November 1, 1947 in New York City.

He was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2012 and won album of the year at the 1997 Grammy Awards for producing songs on Celine Dion’s Falling Into You, which celebrated its 25th anniversary last month and featured the Steinman-penned power ballad It’s All Coming Back to Me Now.

Steinman wrote the music for Meat Loaf’s Bat Out of Hell, released in 1977 and one of the top-selling albums of all-time.

It has reached 14-time platinum status by the RIAA, which is equivalent to selling 14 million albums in the US alone.

Steinman also wrote Meat Loaf’s 1993 album Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell, another commercial and multi-platinum success.

It featured the international hit I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That).

Steinman also penned hits such as Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart and Air Supply’s Making Love Out of Nothing at All.


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