With just three songs released, Yothu Yindi surf rock descendants King Stingray have captured the nation’s attention. The group’s lead guitarist speaks with us about ancient songlines, land rights and life in Yirrkala, Arnhem Land.
The world has changed a lot since Courtney Barnett’s last Australian tour, but after two years the singer-songwriter is returning to the stage with new music and a newfound gratitude for live performance.
SA arts and culture news in brief: Local artist Sally Scales honoured in national First Nations art awards, organisers say there will be dancing at WOMADelaide, design unveiled for Goolwa public art commission, AGSA’s Free/State Vernissage Weekend, tasty ABC comedy to return, and more.
SA arts and culture news in brief: Art Gallery seeks new intake of young Vanguards, a cathedral of light and dancing fire at WOMADelaide, Deep Creek Residency Fellowship opportunity for writers, First Nations short film initiative, and art at the Town Hall.