Zephyr Quartet's Between Light
Between Light – performed by the superb Zephyr Quartet and lit by the brilliant Geoff Cobham in Port Adelaide’s spacious Waterside Workers’ Hall – is aptly described as a “conversation between light, sound and space”.
Between Light – performed by the superb Zephyr Quartet and lit by the brilliant Geoff Cobham in Port Adelaide’s spacious Waterside Workers’ Hall – is aptly described as a “conversation between light, sound and space”.
The original Rolling Stone review of Elvis Costello’s unusual album, The Juliet Letters, compared the “sardonic humour” and “bleak beauty” of the songs to Brecht and Weill.
It’s a rare privilege to share in the world premiere of an exciting and innovative new work. Even more so when it is devised, produced and performed by an Adelaide company.