South Australia’s cultural sector is shrinking but policy-makers are focused on superficial issues rather than the substantial conversations we should be having.
A major rethink of the value of art and culture is needed to redress the lasting damage caused by Australia’s culture wars. Justin O’Connor argues that the first policy step should be divesting from the idea of ‘creative industries’ and instead aligning the arts with public services like health, education and welfare.
Two press conferences held within hours of each other on the first day of the Adelaide Fringe have been widely commented on in the local media. However, beneath the sensationalist headlines lie two issues: how do we value arts and culture, and how do we make arts and cultural policy?
Now is the time to reinvent Australia’s arts and culture policy and practice to focus on its public value rather than doubling down on economic arguments, write two experts involved in a national conference in Adelaide this month that will address the crisis the sector is experiencing and explore a bold new agenda.