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Adelaide Fringe

Review: Battle of the Superheroes

Adelaide Fringe

Ant-Man, Iron-Man, Hit-Girl: who do you think should take their place in the battle of the best? ★★★

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The strength of this show – subtitled The Great Superhero Debate – is that it will offer several more opportunities before it builds to a semi-final and then culminates in the ultimate mash of comedy and knowledge on March 12.

For the second “debate” of the season, MC and co-producer Nik Coppin kept the tone upbeat and the audience laughter was real.

It is an interactive show and Coppin gave every opportunity for the audience (an inter-generational mix of geeks cum hipsters) to be part of the bigger question: Just what does it mean to be a superhero?

With a house capacity of 60 or so, The Bunka at the Austral Hotel is a no-frills venue that provides a cash bar, single-level seating (unless you’re early enough to snag the corner couch), good acoustics and a naked raised stage, with a traditional upright microphone taking prime position.

Three comedians are featured in each show, supposedly on an exposure/talent merry-go-round. The running schedule is straight-forward: each comic has five minutes to spruik their hero and then there is an audience Q&A to identify the ultimate public selection for the night.

But while the comic talent may be strong, the premise is superheroes, and at this “debate” knowledge was a little thin. Thankfully, the MC, an unabashed Marvel fan, drives discussion, embraces heckling and gives away comic publications at his shim. He is the cohesive factor that on this particular night proved critical.

Winners will be able to appear later in the season as semi-finalists before the debate of all debates on the final night.

Three stars (but on the right night could be more)

Battle of Superheroes is being presented in the Bunka, Austral Hotel, every Saturday and Sunday until March 12.


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