Presented by Head First Acrobats, GODZ expertly fuses storytelling, comedy and circus with a generous helping of tongue-in-cheek sensuality to create a hilariously naughty and thoroughly entertaining show.

Hercules, Apollo, Dionysus and Cupid balance on precariously assembled towers of chairs, climb each other like human monkey bars, and fly above the stage on aerial ropes and trapeze swings in acts designed to showcase the incredible strength and endurance of the talented cast. The audience is encouraged to laugh along at their cheeky antics while witnessing the gravity-defying stunts.

Cal Harris commands the stage as Hercules, lifting multiple castmates above his head and balancing upside down on a moving ladder in a series of feats worthy of his character’s namesake. There’s also plenty to love about Liam Dummer’s performance as the cheeky god of love, Cupid, while Thomas Gorham is thoroughly entertaining as Apollo. Adelaidean Jordan Twartz rounds out the cast as the god of wine, Dionysus, whose drunken antics (and insane diabolo skills) are a source of much amusement.

The performers clearly thrive on the attention they receive from the audience. Alongside their formidable stage presence and athletic abilities, their willingness to interact with the crowd adds another layer of fun to the show – although an open mind is needed to avoid awkwardness during the raunchier moments. Their energy and enthusiasm creates a palpable sense of excitement which stays with the audience from the hilarious opening act to the final thrilling moments.

Carefully choreographed and flawlessly delivered, GODZ is performed to a soundtrack of pop hits that perfectly match the energy and theme of each segment, with a particularly raunchy scene unfolding to Rihanna’s “S&M”. The impressive costumes range from simple togas to Fifty Shades of Grey-inspired intimate apparel and even nuns’ habits.

Featuring moments of tastefully-delivered nudity, strong coarse language and adult themes, GODZ is an adults-only experience that delivers hilarious, raunchy and rollicking good fun.

GODZ plays in Fool’s Paradise until March 17.

Read more 2024 Adelaide Fringe coverage here on InReview.

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