Poem: The Reticent Letter
Books & Poetry
In this week’s Poet’s Corner, thoughts and memories are brought back for Mohammed Akhib.
The Reticent Letter
I hold a letter
with a scent so familiar
reminiscent of a forgotten dream so far.
Yet felt so near and clear.
It said my name
with so much love to claim
from the land where I belonged when born.
Yet felt so strange and alone.
It had an invite
with the warmth in sight
nursing the empty hearts with joyful bursts.
Yet felt so cold and cursed.
A promise to meet
with the spring flowers to greet
reminded the patch from a roll of a tear.
Yet felt so parched and bare.
A note unspoken
with the hope they are unforsaken
awaiting the return is my kith and kin.
Yet felt so forlorn and grim.
A reminder of absence
with the waning endurance
longing a response to cheer an ailing child.
Yet felt so intense and buffer.
A vision of paradise
with love for a life so concise
breaking the cage of grinding surrender.
Yet felt so helpless and asunder.
Mohammed Akhib, originally from India, settled in Australia five years ago and lives with his family in Adelaide. He received his PhD from Flinders University’s College of Business, Government and Law in 2023, and works as an educationalist in the vocational education and training sector. He also does volunteer work with organisations supporting young migrants in their introduction to Australian business and culture, and has research interests in crisis management and media studies. A previous 20 years of living and working in both India and the Middle East has led to the journal publication of peer-reviewed articles, a work-in-progress book, and the writing of poetry about work and cultural experiences and memories.
Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to poetscorner@solsticemedia.com.au. Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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