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Books & Poetry

Poem: The Promise

Books & Poetry

This week’s Poet’s Corner contribution is from Phil Saunders in Adelaide.

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The Promise

I shall leave at first light dreams packed in small parcels,
forging my path into whispers of opportunity,
to capture tomorrow’s essence, impose myself in its promises.
Is it tomorrow yet?

Today’s moments of commission and omission will have prepared
for tomorrow’s lands of regret and recompense.
Is it tomorrow yet?

Tomorrow will be the today I wanted
through desert mirages, valleys of isolation,
green pastures of willing companions,
among them valley guides.
Is it tomorrow yet?

I expect to meet Magi coming across my path,
their journey into rising sun’s dawn of a new era,
both witnesses.
Is it tomorrow yet?

I shall be famous, important, adventurous, brave, willing,
surrounded by new friends and sycophants,
happiness of old friends having to wait for tomorrow’s tomorrow.
Is it tomorrow yet?

Today’s diary scratches will be replaced by tomorrow’s truths.
I will despatch the surprises of nightmares,
meet the promises of dreams,
be able to return to my garden fulfilled,
keep my secrets while using others’.
Is it tomorrow yet?

The fates will laugh at my presumptions.
Tomorrow will come when today has served its time,
they will attest.
Is it tomorrow yet?

Phil Saunders lives in Adelaide after times in Melbourne, Sydney and Christchurch. Currently a consultant in governance and operations quality control across disability and aged-care portfolios, he has been a script and copywriter, policy officer, magazine and report editor. His poetry has appeared in UK and Australian journals, on ABC Radio and previously in Poet’s Corner.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.


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