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Books & Poetry

Poem: Breakfast

Books & Poetry

The synergy of the breakfast table and a crossword puzzle is the subject of this Poet’s Corner contribution from Peter Penn.

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Twelve down: the state of being happy and satisfied

Breakfast is the quiet time
for you and me
you with your crossword, concentrating
on twelve across
as I sip my tea, window gazing
the garden shiny wet with winter rain
few cars pass on our quiet crescent street
on this quiet winter morning
in this happy meeting place
in this curve of life
scant words of conversation
is this what contentment looks like?
at our time of life
No clock to rule us
No job to scurry to, can’t be late, can’t be late
No wars to win
or lose
time to think of the day ahead
or the days ahead
plans or no plans
your life, my life
separate but intertwined, these many years
as I look across the table, these many years
you with your crossword
as I sip my tea
in this house
this house we call home.

Peter Penn is an artist living in the foothills of the Mt Lofty Ranges. As a graduate in Visual Art and Applied Design from the Adelaide College of the Arts, his painting has been inspired by sources ranging from primitive art to pop culture. He is particularly interested in the passage of time and its effects on the physical world, with much of his work falling “between the figurative and the abstract”. And being a devotee “rambler and clamberer amongst the tea trees” has also had no small part in output written as well as visual. More about Peter and his work can be found here.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.


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