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Poem: Sedan Dip

Books & Poetry

This week’s Poet’s Corner contribution comes from Warren Cox as he recalls a life-changing encounter at an outback dance almost six decades ago.

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Sedan Dip

Annual bush races, campdraft and rodeo,
100km north-west of Cloncurry & Julia Creek, Qld,
celebrating its 76th year in August this year.

The orchestra
(all four members of it)
were hired to play at the dance
but the vocal microphone didn’t work
so I had the night to myself
and she was there
brought along to look after
one of the grazier’s young children
but they were asleep
and you know what it’s like
stars you can almost touch
muted melodies in three-four time
because waltzes and Prides of Erin
were about it for the band
and the dancers too
so we really got into it and promised each other
we’d get together back in town when she finished up
which turned out to be the following week
and now fifty-nine years later
stars you can almost touch
muted melodies in three-four time
here we still are
so I guess it was serious.

Warren Cox lives in Brisbane. Married for 59 years with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, he is a retired primary school principal who has written music and poetry, mostly rhymed, for most of his adult life. A member of the Australian Bush Poetry Association, he has won various competitions and seen publication in their magazine.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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