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A Brief History of Beer


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Want to know the truth about brewers droop? Celebrate the ingenuity and influence of women? Discover the role of the clergy in the religion of drinking?

Then for the price of a couple of hand-crafted pints in a quality establishment, join theatre company Wish Experience on the time continuum of discovery as they track the trials and tribulations of the oft-maligned beer.

Creators, writers and producers Will Glenn and Trish Parry operate the Quantum Pint Machine (fresh from the UK festival circuit), and their passion for the amber fluid is clearly evident. Fringe show A Brief History of Beer is an opportunity to learn, to be amazed and to imbibe with them. Be warned, one drink may not be enough!

The premise is simple: the beer ethos is being compromised and it is our job to establish what has happened. To do this, we become honorary crew on the space ship Zithos and retrace the origins and developments of this fermented fluid from primordial times to the present day. For an audience of esteemed beer appreciators, it is an informative journey, and if you are also a fan of Star Trek then you’ll recognise the many references featured; the beercorder does not lie.

Beer certainly is an international product and all parts of the globe feature. A highlight is the energy (with entertaining accents) that Wish Experience employs in this docu-dramady, a real mash of movement and mixed-media delivery. The pub venue is most appropriate and, as the fourth-biggest consumer of beer in the world, it is time Australia recognised the impact of this beverage on worship, literature, consumerism and society in general.

Don’t be mistaken, the sanctity of our iconic drink is at risk as globalisation grows. Did you know that Coopers is the only Australian-owned mainstream brewery in the country? Thank goodness for venues that allow craft brewers a voice, drinkers some choice and shows like this an opportunity to inform and amuse; hop on board.

A Brief History of Beer is playing at the Wheatsheaf Hotel until February 26, with one show only at Barossa Brewing Company in Tanunda on February 21.

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