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New SA festival will celebrate nature


South Australians are being encouraged to celebrate nature through a new 10-day festival incorporating events such as ‘seed dating’, bush tucker experiences, guided walks and an after-dark event in the Adelaide Botanic Garden.

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Announced today, the open-access Nature Festival will take place from September 25 until October 4, with organisers promising a line-up of more than 80 free and ticketed events.

Festival chair Vicki-Jo Russell believes now is a crucial time for South Australians to “rediscover their own unique, strong and ongoing relationship with nature”.

“From bushfires to coronavirus, it’s been a difficult year,” she says.

“We could all use some celebration, we could all use more positive experiences of nature, and there has never been a better time to cultivate a deeper relationship with nature as a society.”

One of the more unusual events already registered is Seed Dating, presented by SA Urban Food Network and Youth Food Movement Australia, which will offer single gardeners and green-thumbs the chance to meet like-minded people through a seed-sowing workshop.

Interactive experience presenters Post Dining will host an interactive workshop and morning tea examining the future of food, while Stories of The Land and Food of The Warki Tribe – Bush Tucker Sensory Storytelling promises an immersive cultural and culinary experience with South Australia’s Warki tribe.

Other events already on the program include a nature-themed poetry slam, a smartphone eco-photography workshop, an after-dark audio-visual experience in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens (part of the Botanica Lumina series), a Dance with Nature event, a fungi hunt and a range of walks and hikes.

The full program is online, but people are still able to register events up until September 21.

In addition to Vicki-Jo Russell, who has worked in the biodiversity conservation area for more than 25 years, the other key team members behind the Nature Festival are festival co-ordinator Ryan Hubbard, nature coordinator  Jill Woodlands and arts coordinator  Amber Cronin.



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