Fringe review: Gobby
Dark comedy Gobby is a poignantly written production by a young woman living in a post #MeToo world. ★★★ ½
Dark comedy Gobby is a poignantly written production by a young woman living in a post #MeToo world. ★★★ ½
The Tempest in a tent. Four actors playing 20-plus characters. Hilarious, high-speed, on-stage costume changes. Could Shakespeare be any more fun? ★★★★★
This acrobatic tribute to the cult movie The Blues Brothers sees performers somersaulting across tables, balancing on top of chairs and almost getting singed underneath a flaming limbo stick. ★★★★
Seven acrobats joyfully tumble, leap and bound to live percussion in this stripped-back and fun performance in Gluttony’s The Octagon. ★★★ ½
Comedy hypnotism may sit outside the comfort zone of some festival-goers, or at least on the fringe. But that didn’t stop 20 eager volunteers approaching the stage to be put in a trance on the opening night of this show. ★★★★ ½
Barbaroi is circus with attitude: a dystopian-styled display of daring acrobatics that is all grit, no glitter. ★★★★