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InReview and UKARIA are offering a unique chance for emerging South Australian creatives to gain insights and develop skills in professional music reviewing.
InReview and UKARIA are offering a unique chance for emerging South Australian creatives to gain insights and develop skills in professional music reviewing.
The Advertiser is not reviewing performances at the Adelaide Fringe this year after a failed negotiation, the festival’s organisers say, although the News Corp newspaper insists its editorial decisions are not based on commercial considerations.
Tom Wolfe, the white-suited wizard of “New Journalism” who exuberantly chronicled American culture from the Merry Pranksters through the space race before turning his satiric wit to such novels as The Bonfire of the Vanities and A Man in Full, has died. He was 88.
Foreign correspondent Peter Greste will be one of the key speakers at WOMADelaide’s Planet Talks sessions next year, examining the current state of press freedom and its effect on democracy around the world.