Into the unknown with Sundari Carmody
In a new sculpture unveiled this week at Lot Fourteen, early-career artist Sundari Carmody explores the ways humanity’s search for knowledge sometimes leads to a deeper sense of unknowing.
In a new sculpture unveiled this week at Lot Fourteen, early-career artist Sundari Carmody explores the ways humanity’s search for knowledge sometimes leads to a deeper sense of unknowing.
A prominent Aboriginal arts leader with experience working across national and international film and television has been appointed as the first assistant director of the yet-to-be-built Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre at Lot Fourteen.
UPDATED: Two years after its “landmark” design for a mooted Adelaide Contemporary art gallery at Lot Fourteen was scrapped by the Marshall Government, architecture firm Woods Bagot has been commissioned to undertake preliminary design work on the new Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre at the same North Terrace site.
Adelaide’s Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre could rival architectural icons such as the Sydney Opera House and use cutting-edge technology to portray First Nations culture in never-before-seen ways, but could also be at risk of bureaucratic stonewalling. Stephanie Richards talks to the man appointed as a key leader of the $150 million gallery.
Premier Steven Marshall’s decision to scrap former Labor government plans for a contemporary art gallery at Lot Fourteen is a “huge opportunity that’s been wasted” and the replacement $150 million Aboriginal Arts and Cultures Centre is an “incredible waste of public money”, claims an eminent arts administrator who helped plan the junked gallery.
The State Government is advertising for a director to deliver the $150 million Aboriginal art and culture gallery planned for Lot Fourteen – before cabinet ministers sign off on an overdue business case outlining the centre’s viability.
EXCLUSIVE: The $150 million Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Lot Fourteen will open by 2023, Premier Steven Marshall says, despite admitting a “complex” consultation with Indigenous communities has delayed progress.