Fringe review: Plenty of Fish in the Sea
Hooking its audience from the opening scene, Plenty of Fish in the Sea reels us in with inventive staging and hilariously physical performances. You can almost smell the ocean. ★★★★★
Hooking its audience from the opening scene, Plenty of Fish in the Sea reels us in with inventive staging and hilariously physical performances. You can almost smell the ocean. ★★★★★
Exceptionally written, directed and performed, Blood of the Lamb presents anti-abortion policies we hadn’t dreamed could be real, and as theatre coming out of the US, it doesn’t even feel dystopian. ★★★★½
Adelaide’s Migration Museum is preparing to redevelop its 19th-century gallery in 2020 to tell the story of settlement through multiple perspectives and give greater voice to Indigenous Australians.
Through an assembly of artefacts, photographs, videos and testimonials, Daring to be Different shares stories both heartbreaking and joyful that show the journey of South Australia’s ‘rainbow elders’ from oppression to acceptance.