From the pages of a giant pop-up book springs the tale of an only child, a hidden shoe and a series of mysterious disappearances. Will Izzy, chief of the Secret Adventure Squad, work out what’s going on inside the walls of her new home? ★★★★
Abandon all hope and surrender to the darkness as you enter The Otherworld, a twisted realm where fantasy and reality collide in a spectacular fusion of circus and live music. ★★★★
Burlesque celebrates the female body in all its curves, folds and glorious dimples. Singin’ in the Pain takes this concept a step further to celebrate the non-conforming female body in all its chaotic disability, its stifling illness and pain. ★★★★★
Interactivity is really the name of this game as four comedians vie to spontaneously produce the best lines for a participating audience. Make it rude and crude, too, and you have a recipe for non-PC fun. ★★★ ½