This high-energy physical comedy show by theatre troupe The Latebloomers uses a wildly funny mix of mime, improvised scenes and occasional songs to take an offbeat look at the world’s view of Scotland. ★★★★★
Adelaide Songs is a presentation by local musicians of their own compositions celebrating and reflecting on their home city and its history, with musical styles varying from blues to ballads, from comedy to biting satire. ★★★★
Patti LuPone, Broadway performer for more than 40 years, strides onto the Festival Theatre stage with a sense of ownership which tells the audience she is completely at home with her music.
The Modern Maori Quartet’s talented members bring to the Adelaide Cabaret Festival their accomplished musicianship, lyrical harmonies and a uniquely inclusive New Zealand style of humour.
An amateur theatre company’s attempt to stage a 1920s murder mystery turns into an hilarious fiasco in this slick touring production, writes reviewer Nicky Titchener.
Watching an accomplished performer like Miriam Margolyes on stage with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra is a rare privilege, whatever your age, writes reviewer Nicky Titchener.