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Poem: Evening on the Murray

Books & Poetry

This week’s Poet’s Corner contribution is from Adelaide writer Valerie Volk.

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Evening on the Murray

I. Nightfall

Tonight we watched the rolling hills
prepare for bed, quietly,
folding in upon themselves,
pleating curves with shadows.
Across the reed-fringed mirror of the lake
the dying sun descended.
A blazing white-light ball,
it softened, gilded,
as it sank.
While we watched,
within the clefts ahead
the shadows thickened,
slowly spread,
until they blanketed
long sinuous curves of green
with darkness of the falling night.

II. Mooring

Not always easy to identify
the safest haven for our boat.

We need, not only on this river,
a spot for reassuring landing.
An inlet, somewhere
for our craft to edge,
manoeuvred with some skill,
towards a shoreline
where one can in safety
jump towards the land.
Stable enough to guard against
the unexpected plunge or
hidden dangers.

Two trees for the essential
lashing of the boat’s ropes
intricately coiled
around safeguarding bulwarks,
lest time and tide
should lead to drift away.

The universal search: inlets
for safe harbouring.

Valerie Volk has published a number of books and chapbooks that include poetry collections, verse novels and adaptive fiction. Her latest work is the historical novel ‘In Search of Anna’, details and reviews of which can be found here. She has been a past regular contributor to InDaily Poet’s Corner, and her poems and short stories have also appeared in various print and online literary journals and anthologies. A former English teacher, lecturer and education program director, she holds a PhD in Education Studies. More about Volk and her other books can also be found here.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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