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Poem: An Aural Landscape

Books & Poetry

The sounds of nature inspire a further Poet’s Corner contribution this week from Dinali Virasinghe.

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An Aural Landscape

Somewhere a bird sings –
It’s pipping trill rippling through
the warm summer afternoon.

Further back a wave crashes on the beach
in a quick release of its crescendo.
Around me the wind buffets
against canvas shade cloths, in colours of
sun, sky and moon, strung between
wooden posts that frame this secluded verandah.

The vast, unceasing arriving
and departing of water on land.
The unseen hand of air
that comes and goes with a will of its own.
The intermittent chatter of birds that are
reduced to mere music by my untrained ear.

All sounds to unwind and expand into –
While Fairy Wrens hop boldly,
here and there around my feet.

Born in Sri Lanka, Dinali Virasinghe lives in Adelaide. A teacher of yoga, environmental scientist and gardener, her collection ‘Meandering on the Margins’ was published last year and she has read her work on Radio Adelaide and regularly reads at Soul Lounge Adelaide. Her poems Language of the Heavens and In Praise of the Arts were published in last week’s Poet’s Corner.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.
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