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Books & Poetry

Poem: Stars

Books & Poetry

This week’s Poet’s Corner features a further contribution from Jake Dennis.

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Looking up
from a trampoline
that stretched surface
from which thoughts fly like fireworks
we see stars
sparkling still.

Less temporary
than we will
ever be.

More permanent
than together
we can be.

Light years away
human as our cells
they may already
have exploded
and yet forever
they were

Jake Dennis lives in Perth. Of Burmese-Australian heritage, he is a singer, actor and published poet. With a repertoire in jazz, swing, blues, pop and soul as a vocalist and actor-entertainer, Jake has performed at some of Western Australia’s best venues, including DownStairs at His Majesty’s Theatre, Ellington Jazz Club, Universal Bar, Perth Town Hall, and the Don Russell, Kalamunda, Koorliny, Mandurah, and Subiaco Performing Arts Centres. He has also appeared on Foxtel, Backyard Survivor, Madonna’s Rebel Heart DVD, Aurora TV, Telethon, RTR FM, Pirate Radio, Heritage Radio, and Twin Cities Radio. Details of Jake’s poetry and publishing can be found on last week’s Poet’s Corner contribution, and he is on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), and at

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.


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